Local app Pashash wins at TNW Startup World

Pashash, the first mobile app funded by the Google Umbono incubator, has won the South African leg of the TNW Startup World competition held on Wednesday evening in Bree Street, Cape Town.
The team beat over 100 local technology startups to win the opportunity to pitch their business to leading venture capitalists in Silicon Valley, California in early 2013. There, they will join other startups from 35 cities around the world.
Pashash, now sporting a brand new logo, named after the South African slang for something that is considered “cool”, lets people discover and share real-world shopping with family and friends where ever you are. “Millions of people re already sharing their favourite coffee or those new pumpued up kicks, says co-founder Faheem Kajee. “We just want to make sure that those great finds don’t get lost in all the noise.”


With Pashash, When you see an item you want to buy, you take a picture of it, tag the store and price and share it. Everything you share is then added to your profile, which serves as a virtual reflection of the things you love.
Read our feature post about Pashash and its co-founder Faheem Kajee here.