Over the past couple of weeks we have had public conformation of Android Marshmallow roll-outs for Motorola, HTC, LG, Sony, Huawei and even Blackberry. This leaves Samsung as the only major Android device manufacturer that has not yet revealed their update plans.
Now however, according to Times News, there has been “conformation” via several inside sources that their is a detailed planned roll-out available. In keeping with tradition, it seems young age, mainstream popularity and advanced hardware will trump seniority, so the Note 5 and S6 Edge+ should be the first to leave Lollipop behind, as early as next month. The Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, as well as the Note 4 and Note Edge, S5 and, surprise, surprise, Galaxy Alpha are also purportedly part of a first wave of updates, though that doesn‘t mean they‘ll all make the leap simultaneously.
The non-phablet S6/Edge models will most probably get updated early in 2016, followed by 2014‘s Note dyad in February, and the S5 and Alpha at an undecided point in the not-so-distant future. March or April, we‘re guessing, as long as approval comes through in due time. Samsung’s mid-range phones (the Galaxy A8, A7, A5, A3, E7, and E5) will most probably make the jump to Marshmallow around the middle of 2016.
If you are a current Samsung user, let’s hope these rumors turn out to be true
Source: PocketNow
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